Sunday, September 13, 2009

Buka Puasa Di Pizza Hut....

Kami berpakat utk berbuka puasa sekali di pizza hut di sacc... best best...
bertolak naik bas mini and sampai sane lbh kurang pkl 6....
mcm2 perkara terjadi...
asri and fauzi tersesat ke klang...
larry terkejar-kejar dr kota kemuning ...dan lain2 lagi la
yg dtg me, pipah, akmal, hazirah, bai, eva, kalai, ming, mahen, raz, fauzi, asri and larry
kebetulan ari tuh ade beli kak American Chocolate so celebrate bday mahen and raz skali...haha
Sekali-sekala best jgk hangout and relaxing with my classmates..huhu
So let the pictures speak for themselves...

So for the muslim kitorang berpakat nk solat terawih di Masjid Negeri...
mmg havoc and kelam kabut...
kaki ni mcm nk tercabut je..haha..berlari ke masjid...
nasib baik sempat..haha

lps tuh ade la tangkap2 gmbar sikit on the way nk blk...
kami ke sacc jap sbb bainun "terhilangkan" kunci die...
lps tuh naik rapid blk ke kolej cemara akasia...
sblm blk tuh kami ke bistro jap untuk menghilangkan dahaga...
asri and fauzi dgn ice-blended nye...huhu
mmg penat ari best ....haha
thank u raz and larry sbb belanja donut...
hmmm delicious...
lain kali belanja la lagi..hihihi

1 comment:

  1. Haha, donut je. =) No prob! Tme kasih sbb organise the whole thing, ye.
